
For media or interview inquiries with any of our Payne Institute Fellows, please contact Greg Clough at (303)384-2218 or gclough@mines.edu.

Faculty Fellows

The Payne Faculty Fellows are drawn from across Colorado School of Mines. From science, math, and engineering, to the social sciences, they are some of the finest researchers in the world.

DISCLAIMER: The opinions, beliefs, and viewpoints expressed are those of the Fellows alone, and do not reflect the opinions, beliefs, viewpoints, or official policies of the Payne Institute or Colorado School of Mines.

Peter Aaen

Department Head and Professor, Electrical Engineering

Angel Abbud-Madrid

Director, Center for Space Resources; Research Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering

Sumit Agarwal

Department of Chemical Engineering

Linda Ann Battalora

Teaching Professor,
Petroleum Engineering

Ebru Bozdag

Assistant Professor Geophysics

Robert Braun

Associate Professor,
Mechanical Engineering


Associate Professor
Department of Economics and Business

Lincoln Carr

Professor, Physics

Hojun Choi

Assistant Professor,
Economics and Business

Carol Dahl

Research Professor and Professor Emeritus,
Economics and Business

James Crompton

Affiliate Professor, Petroleum Engineering

Graham A. Davis

Professor Emeritus
Economics and Business

Raphael Deberdt

Post Doctorate Fellow,
Department of Mining Engineering

Steven C. DeCaluwe

Assistant Professor
Department of Mechanical Engineering

Mark Deinert

Associate Professor,
Mechanical Engineering

H. Sebnem Duzgun

Fred Banfield Distinguished Endowed Chair and Professor
Department of Mining Engineering

Roderick Eggert

Professor & Viola Vestal Coulter Chair in Mineral Economics, Deputy Director of Critical Materials Institute

Ben Gilbert

Assistant Professor,
Economics and Business

Marte Gutierrez

James R. Paden Chair and Distinguished Professor
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Dorit Hammerling

Associate Professor, Applied Mathematics and Statistics

Kathleen Hancock

Associate Professor and Graduate Director, Humanities, Arts & Social Sciences

John Heilbrunn

Emeritus Professor, Humanities, Arts & Social Sciences

Chris Higgins

Associate Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering

Elizabeth Holley

Assistant Professor,
Mining Engineering

Qiuhua Huang

Associate Professor,
Electrical Engineering

Greg Jackson

Mechanical Engineering

Zane Jobe

Research Associate Professor, Geology and Geological Engineering;
Director, Chevron Center of Research Excellence

Eliot Kapit

Associate Professor
Department of Physics

Rennie Kaunda

Assistant Professor, Mining Engineering

Jihye Kim

Assistant Professor, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering

Philip S. (Flip) Koch

Rock Mechanics, Structural Analysis, Economic Development, Department of Geology and Geological Engineering

Carolyn Koh

William K. Coors Distinguished Professor, Chemical and Biological Engineering

Adrianne Kroepsch

Assistant Professor
Department of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences

Ian Lange

Program Director,
Mineral and Energy Economics;
Assistant Professor,
Economics and Business


Teaching Assistant Professor
Applied Mathematics and Statistics


Assistant Professor
Geology and Geological Engineering


Civil and Environmental Engineering

Mike McGuirk

Assistant Professor, Chemistry

Jennifer Miskimins

Department Head and Professor
Petroleum Engineering

Aashutosh Mistry

Assistant Professor,
Mechanical Engineering

Salman Mohagheghi

Associate Professor,
Electrical Engineering

Priscilla Nelson

Mining Engineering

Alexandra Newman

Mechanical Engineering

Dr. Dag Nummedal

Former Director, Colorado Energy Research Institute (retired)

Consultant to Colorado School of Mines


Associate Professor, Geology and Geological Engineering


John Poate

Emeritus Senior Vice-President of Research

Svitlana Pylypenko

Assistant Professor
Department of Chemistry

Amirhosein Riahi

Postdoctoral Researcher, Kroll Institute of Extractive Metallurgy (KIEM), Mining Engineering Department

Ryan M. Richards

Professor, Department of Chemistry, Director, Joint Mines/NREL NEXUS Center

Paul Santi

Professor, Geology and Geological Engineering

Amy Schweikert

Research Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering

Alan Sellinger

Associate Professor,


Associate Professor
Department of Chemistry
Nuclear Science & Engineering Program


Assistant Professor

Kamini Singha

Professor and Ben Fryrear Endowed Chair for Innovation and Excellence; Associate Department Head, Geology and Geological Engineering; Interim Director, Hydrologic Science and Engineering

Jessica Smith

Co-Director, Humanitarian Engineering; Associate Professor, Engineering,
Design & Society

Nicole Smith

Assistant Professor,
Mining Engineering

Steven M. Smith

Assistant Professor,
Economics and Business

Stephen A. Sonnenberg

Professor, Geology and Geological Engineering
Charles Boettcher Distinguished Chair in Petroleum Geology

George Sowers

Professor of Practice, Mechanical Engineering

John Speer

John Henry Moore Professor of Physical Metallurgy; Director, Advanced Steel Processing and Products Research Center

Erik Spiller

Research Professor, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Adjunct Professor, Mining Engineering

Brennan Sprinkle

Assistant Professor, Applied Mathematics and Statistics

Neal Sullivan

Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering; Director, Colorado Fuel Cell Center

Kenneth (Xerxes) Steirer

Research Associate Professor, Department of Physics

Paulo Cesar Tebares-Velasco

Assistant Professor,
Mechanical Engineering


University Professor Emeritus,
Economics and Business


Associate Professor, Department of Physics
Director of Materials Science
Fryrear Chair for Innovation and Excellence


Assistant Professor
Civil and Environmental Engineering


Assistant Professor
Geology and Geological Engineering

Non-resident Fellows

Our non-resident Fellows bring a wealth of insights to the work of the Institute. Together, they comprise one of the finest set of energy, environment, and natural resources experts in the world.

DISCLAIMER: The opinions, beliefs, and viewpoints expressed are those of the Fellows alone, and do not reflect the opinions, beliefs, viewpoints, or official policies of the Payne Institute or Colorado School of Mines.


Sustainable Development and Policy Consultant

Benjamin Attia

Principal, Allied Climate Partners

Michael Baskin

Strategic Partnerships Manager for the Department of Defense, NREL

Will Blyth

Director, Oxford Energy Associates

Joshua Busby

Associate Professor, LBJ School of Public Affairs, University of Texas, Austin

Ben Caldecott

Director, Oxford Sustainable Finance Programme

James Cameron

Partner, SystemiQ
Chairman, Overseas Development Institute

Todd Chapman

Former U.S. Ambassador to Brazil and Ecuador

Bhargavi (Bhar) Chekuri, MD

Climate & Health Science Policy Fellow,
University of Colorado School of Medicine

Siew Chiang

Knowledge Analyst (Low-Carbon Solutions), Boston Consulting Group (BCG)

Tim Coburn

Professor of Systems Engineering
Colorado State University

Kipp Coddington

Director, Energy Policy and Economics
School of Energy Resources, University of Wyoming

Michael Cohen

Chief U.S. Economist and Head of Oil Analysis at BP

Jeff D. Colgan

Richard Holbrooke Associate Professor of Political Science, Watson Institute of International  and Public Affairs, Brown University


Captain, U.S. Coast Guard (retired)

W. Grover Coors

Phillip Cornell

Senior Fellow, Atlantic Council

Trisha Curtis

President and Co-Founder of Petronerds

Jim Cust

Economist, World Bank

David Daniels

Division of Physical Resource Theory, Department of Space, Earth and Environment, Chalmers University of Technology

Eric Davids

Senior Director, Advisory Services, Uplight

Paul Deane

Research Fellow, Energy and Climate Policy, MaREI Centre, University College Cork

Liam Denning

Bloomberg Opinion, Energy Columnist

Eleanor Denny

Associate Professor, Economics, Trinity College Dublin, University of Dublin

Bassam Fattouh

Director, Oxford Institute for Energy Studies

Francesco Fuso-Nerini

Assistant Professor, Division of Energy Systems Analysis,
Royal Institute of Technology

Alex Gilbert

Director of Space & Planetary Regulation, Zeno Power​

Andreas Goldthau

Professor, International Relations, Royal Holloway University of London

Greer Gosnell

Senior Environmental Economist, Rethink Priorities, Affiliate Faculty in Division of Economics and Business, Colorado School of Mine​s

Steven Griffiths

Senior Vice President, Research and Development; Professor of Practice, Khalifa University of Science and Technology

Samantha Gross

Fellow in Foreign Policy, Brookings Institution; Cross-Brookings Initiative on Energy and Climate

Thomas Hale

Associate Professor, Global Public Policy; Director for China Engagement, Blavatnik School of Government, University of Oxford

Bjorn Hamso

Program Manager, Global Gas Flaring Reduction Partnership, World Bank Group

Brad Handler

Principal, Energy Transitions Research, LLC

Arthur Hanna

Senior Managing Director, Energy, Accenture Strategy, Accenture

Sara Hastings-Simon

Assistant Professor, Department of Physics and Astronomy and School of Public Policy, University of Calgary

Charles Heaps

Senior Scientist, Stockholm Environment Institute-U.S.

Cullen Hendrix

Senior Fellow, Peterson Institute for International Economics

Emily Sarah Hersh

Managing Partner, DCDB Group

Gavin Hilson

Chair of Sustainability in Business, University of Surrey

Paulina Jaramillo

Associate Professor, Engineering and Public Policy, Carnegie Mellon University

Robert Johnston

Chief Executive Officer,
Eurasia Group

Rory Johnston

Commodity Economist, Scotiabank

George Kararach

Lead Economist, African Development Bank

Thomas Kenyon

Senior Economist,
World Bank

Carolyn Kissane

Academic Director and Clinical Associate Professor,
School of Professional Studies Center for Global Affairs,
New York University

Karen Lechtenberg

Project Manager – Geologist, Advanced Resources International

Jay Lemery, MD

Professor of Emergency Medicine, University of Colorado School of Medicine

Gregory Leng

Director, RETScreen International

David Livingston

Deputy Director, Climate
and Advanced Energy,
Atlantic Council

Richard Luarkie

Tribal Member, Pueblo of Laguna Tribe

Iain MacGill

Associate Professor, School of Electrical Engineering and Telecommunications,
UNSW Sydney

Paasha Mahdavi

Assistant Professor of Political Science, University of California Santa Barbara

Jahara Matisek

Lieutenant Colonel, US Air Force, Military Professor (National Security Affairs),    US Naval War College

Mike Matson

Associate Director, Boston Consulting Group (BCG)

Cody Mayer

Director, Tribal and Community Engagement, Talon Metals

Alex McLean

Partner, Head of Infrastructure, Construction and Utilities, Arthur Cox

Fernando Miralles-Wilhelm

Professor and Interim Director, Earth System Science Interdisciplinary Center, University of Maryland

Scott Moskowitz

Director of Strategy and Market Intelligence at Hanwha Q CELLS America, Inc.

Todd Moss

Executive Director,
Energy for Growth Hub

Dustin Mulvaney

Professor, Environmental Studies Department
San José State University

Julia Nesheiwat

Chief Resilience Officer,
State of Florida

William J. Nuttall

Professor, University of Bristol, UK 

Joseph Nyangon

Power and Energy Systems Engineering Economist, SAS Institute

Nadia Ouedraogo

Economic Affairs Officer, United Nations Economic Commission for Africa

Ian Parry

Principal Environmental Fiscal Policy Expert, Fiscal Affairs, International Monetary Fund

Michael Pollitt

Professor of Business Economics, Cambridge Judge Business School, University of Cambridge

Arvind Ravikumar

Research Associate Professor, Hildebrand Department of Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering, University of Texas Austin​

Edmund Rawle

Chief Economist, ADNOC

Jun Rentschler

Economist, World Bank

Keywan Riahi

Director, IIASA Energy Program

Luis Rodriguez

Founder and CEO, Raisa Energy


Professor of Practice, Institute for the Study of International Development, McGill University

Patricia Schouker

Energy Analyst; Founder and CEO, Energy Bridge Consulting; Associate Member, New College, Oxford University

Sridhar Seetharaman

Professor Vice Dean for Research and Innovation,
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering,
Arizona State University

David Shrier

Founder and CEO,
Distilled Analytics

Kartikeya Singh

Deputy Director, Wadhwani Chair in U.S.-India Policy Studies, Center for Strategic & International Studies

Barbara Smith

Principal and Founder, Mountain Time Development

Jon Sohn

Director, U.S. Government Relations, Capital Power

Simone Tagliapietra

Energy and Climate Fellow, Bruegel; Senior Researcher, Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei

Griffin Thompson

Director, Office of Electricity and Energy Efficiency, U.S. Department of State

Richard Tol

Professor, Department of Economics, University of Sussex

Michael Toman

Research Manager, Sustainable Development, Development Research Group, World Bank

Johannes Urpelainen

Prince Sultan bin Abdulaziz Professor of Energy, Resources and Environment, Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies

Thijs Van de Graaf

Assistant Professor, International Politics,
Ghent University, Belgium

Noé van Hulst

Vice-Chair, International Partnership for Hydrogen and Fuel Cells in the Economy (IPHE)

Eirik Wærness

Senior Vice President and Chief Economist, Equinor


Co-director, Workshop on Policy Process Research; Director, University of CO Denver School of Public Affairs, PhD Program


Energy Planner and Economist, International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)

Cyril Widdershoven

Founder, Verocy
Global Energy Market Expert

Frank Wouters

Director, EU GCC Clean Energy Technology Network

Sonia Yeh

Professor, Transport and Energy Systems, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden

Michael Young

Arctic Security and Policy Consultant

Hisham Zerriffi

Associate Professor, Forest Resources Management, University of British Columbia