Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS)
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EOG provides a variety of VIIRS products and services:
- Nightfire (VNF)
Nightfire data make use of six spectral bands to detect and characterizes sub-pixel infrared emitters. Provides locations and times of hot pixel detections along with estimates of temperatures and source sizes. For cloud-free gas flares a calculation is performed to estimate the flared gas volume in methane equivalents. Nighttime data are available on 24 hour increments. Monthly and annual cloud-free composites are in preparation. - Day/night band – low light imaging data (NTL)
Detections of lighting from cities, towns, villages, combustion sources and lit fishing boats. EOG provides:
A) Geolocated subsets for specific areas of interest.
B) Global nightly mosaics.
C) Monthly cloud-free composites.
D) Annual cloud-free composites. - VIIRS Boat Detection (VBD)
Utilizes VIIRS Day/night band (DNB) to detect bright vessels at night. Data is provided in CSV and KMZ format. Temporal aggregated monthly and annual grid in GeoTiff format at 15 arc seconds resolution is also available for selected regions.