California Wildfires

California had experienced two wild fires in November, 2018. Both started at the same day. One in northern California named “Camp Fire”, and the other in Los Angeles named “Woolsey Fire”.

    • Camp Fire

Camp Fire started on November 8, 2018 in Butte County. It is by far the deadliest wildfire in the United States since 1918. As of in November 21, the fire is 80% contained.

    • Woolsey Fire

Started on November 8, 2018 in Los Angeles. It is contained on November 16, 2018.

NCEI compiled images from VIIRS and made movie loops showcasing how the wild fires progressed over time. Furthermore, with VIIRS Nightfire algorithm it is possible to calculate the exact temperature of different states of combustion, i.e. flaming and smoldering.

Movie Loops

VIIRS Nightfire KMZs